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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"The twist you can't resist"

Today I have a CRAZY craving for Twizzlers.  I don't know why, but I am dying to eat them.  The sad news is that you cannot buy Twizzlers here in the DR.  A lot of candy is imported and though you have to pay more, it is available.  But not Twizzlers and that is what I want! I don't care what kind or flavor as long as it is red and it is Twizzlers.  My dad and stepmom are coming to visit in a couple week and I will have to make a special request for them to bring me some.  I guess I'll just have to wait until then. 


  1. Just talked to my dad. Twizzlers are on the way! I'll get Twizzlers on Friday! (And I'll get to see my dad and stepmamom. :) )

  2. I got the Twizzlers! My dad brought a 2 lb bag. I'll have to pace myself. Yummy!
